The Best Games of E3 2018

The Best Games of E3 2018

As E3 goes through growing pains as it transitions to a more consumer-themed event, the show floor and surroundings have become mildly off-putting. But in spite of the quirks and hiccups, the games announced and shown this year were undeniably fantastic.

There were dozens of exciting games at the press events, behind closed doors, and in demo booths, but we can’t mention every one. We’ve put together a list below of our 10 favorite games from the show, but you’re more than welcome to call out other impressive titles in the comment section. Now, let’s dive into the games themselves.

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MSI’s Nvidia RTX 3070 Gaming X Trio Review: 2080 Ti Performance, Pascal Pricing
MSI’s Nvidia RTX 3070 Gaming X Trio Review: 2080 Ti Performance, Pascal Pricing

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Xbox Series X Review: The Living Room Gaming PC I’ve (Mostly) Always Wanted
Xbox Series X Review: The Living Room Gaming PC I’ve (Mostly) Always Wanted

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Sony May Let Users Move Games Off PS5, Xbox Series X SSD Is User-Replaceable
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Microsoft: Bethesda Games ‘Either First or Better’ on Xbox, Not Exclusive
Microsoft: Bethesda Games ‘Either First or Better’ on Xbox, Not Exclusive

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