Windows 10 Now Requires a Minimum of 32GB Storage Space
Earlier this year, Microsoft announced that it would begin using ~7GB of user hard drive space for the application of future updates. The advantage of this system is intended to be that it doesn’t break the update process halfway through by a system running out of space. The disadvantage is that it would eliminate virtually all of the storage available on small systems — and Windows 10’s previous minimum storage requirement was 16GB for a 32-bit installation. That plus 7GB of storage only left 4-5GB of data for programs on a base install.
When Microsoft announced these changes, we criticized them for boosting storage requirements that would ultimately make some of the original Windows 10 tablets useless and declared that the company should raise the minimum requirements to compensate for this. Now, the company has done exactly that. IoT Enterprise storage requirements remain the same, however.What this means for older systems that are this storage limited is that they’ll be limited in terms of which OS updates they can apply. Microsoft’s life cycle service update is shown below:
If you have one of these older systems, you should be taken care of through May 12, 2020. After that, you may want to find an alternate solution. On the other hand, the systems that actually shipped with such limited storage solutions may be closing on five years old by that point. At that kind of age, it can be worth replacing, especially since these machines tended to have lower specs and capabilities.
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Microsoft ‘Clarifies’ Windows 11 Requirements, Pulls PC Health Check App
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Riot Will Use Windows 11’s TPM 2.0 Requirement to Ban Cheaters From Valorant
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Europe Moves Forward With Plans to Require USB-C Ports on All Phones
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HDMI 2.1 Devices Are Not Required to Support Any New HDMI 2.1 Features
HDMI 2.1 devices are not actually required to offer any HDMI 2.0 features. The entire set of improvements HDMI 2.1 is supposed to offer are "optional," it turns out.