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Pay What You Want for This Massive Arduino eBook Bundle
Pay What You Want for This Massive Arduino eBook Bundle

Embrace the home electronics revolution with the 'Make:' Arduino Hacker eBook Bundle. Pay only what you want and if that’s less than the average price paid you’ll still take home something great. Beat the average price and you take home the entire bundle.

Intel Refreshes Xeon W, Unveils Cascade Lake HEDT Specs, Cuts CPU Pric
Intel Refreshes Xeon W, Unveils Cascade Lake HEDT Specs, Cuts CPU Pric

Intel has a number of new announcements today, including additional details on Cascade Lake X, price cuts for the "KF" CPU family, and data on the new Xeon W refresh.

AMD’s Surface Partnership With Microsoft Is Just the Beginning
AMD’s Surface Partnership With Microsoft Is Just the Beginning

AMD and Microsoft are collaborating on the next-generation Surface Laptop 3 — and that's just the tip of the iceberg for both companies.

Intel Proposes New Type of Memory to Fix Speculative Execution Flaws
Intel Proposes New Type of Memory to Fix Speculative Execution Flaws

Intel has a proposal for a new type of memory that could solve many of the speculative execution issues that have bedeviled the semiconductor industry in general (and itself in particular) since January 2018.

Udemy Class Review: Complete Apache HTTP Server Course
Udemy Class Review: Complete Apache HTTP Server Course

Udemy's Complete Apache HTTP Server Course by instructor Muhammed Torkey was created to teaching you everything you need to know to get up and running with a basic home web server.

Quadriplegic Man Uses Exoskeleton to Walk, Move Arms Again
Quadriplegic Man Uses Exoskeleton to Walk, Move Arms Again

The idea of a paralyzed person using an exosuit to restore mobility via brain-computer interface has taken another step closer to reality.

Galaxy Fold Fails Early on Livestream Torture Test
Galaxy Fold Fails Early on Livestream Torture Test

The first real foldable phone on the market is still more fragile than your average smartphone; Samsung filled the packaging with warnings about that. Naturally, people are trying to figure out how fragile it is by breaking it.

Tesla Smart Summon and Curious Owners: What Could Go Wrong?
Tesla Smart Summon and Curious Owners: What Could Go Wrong?

Smart Summons is the latest Tesla feature making headlines that aren't good news for Tesla. The rollout has not been seamless, with reports of glitches, at least one low-speed collision, and a traffic summons.

Google Finds Zero-Day Android Exploit Affecting Pixel, Samsung, and Mo
Google Finds Zero-Day Android Exploit Affecting Pixel, Samsung, and Mo

The exploit affects a handful of phones from Google, Samsung, Huawei, and others. Google also notes there is evidence the exploit is already active in the wild.

Samsung’s Massive 292-Inch MicroLED TV Wall Now Shipping
Samsung’s Massive 292-Inch MicroLED TV Wall Now Shipping

Remember Samsung's 292-inch TV? The Wall is finally shipping — though if you have to ask the price, you probably can't afford it.

Windows Is No Longer ‘The Most Important Layer’ at Microso
Windows Is No Longer ‘The Most Important Layer’ at Microso

Microsoft no longer considers Windows to be the most important component of its business. Even after years of evolution, it's a surprising statement.

One Person Submitted 1.9 Million Anti-Net Neutrality FCC Comments: Rep
One Person Submitted 1.9 Million Anti-Net Neutrality FCC Comments: Rep

A new investigation from Buzzfeed News details how a single political consultant managed to flood the FCC with more than a million fake comments opposing net neutrality. The FCC would eventually use those comments as part of its rationale to repeal net neutrality in America.